Steven Seagal’s Lightning Bolt, the Asian Experience: Energy Drink Review

Once in a while many of us will feel the weight of the day on our shoulders and it can simply get us down right worn out and tired. Usually an energy drink would be a perfect elixir that would remedy this sort of problem.

This is where Steven Seagal’s Lightning Bolt comes in. I actually found this can at the 99cent store and bought it because it has Steven Seagal’s picture on it. I found it funny and figured its a great conversation piece. For every person that I showed the can to, they all would laugh in disbelief that Steven Seagal had his own energy drink.

steven seagal lightning bolt

Let’s get down to the nitty gritty. The drink boast that it has all sorts of natural ingredients and it is packed with vitamins and exotic botanicals from all over the world. Just to list a few of the exotic stuff, Tibetan Goji Berry, Asian Coryceps, B-Vitamins, Ginseng, Guarana. To top it all off, its sweetened with organic evaporated cane juice crystals.

So how does this taste? As you all know, if it doesn’t taste good, you won’t ingest it. To my surprise, this drink tasted very similar to a Cherry 7up. As you can see in the photo, the color of the liquid is just like Cherry 7up…

The beverage is easy on the palette and not too harsh in the stomach. I didn’t get a jittery side effect after consuming the drink, if anything its pretty mild. I feel that I’m more alert but not hyper like most energy drinks leave me feeling. But then again I only drank about 1/2 the can.

What’s the verdict? I like how I’m not left jittery, I’m more alert, but not high strung, No sugar/caffeine crash and I like the can. Steven Seagal’s photo on the can is what sold me on the drink. I do like how it tastes, much better than some energy drinks that taste like cough syrup.

If you’re near a 99cent only store, make sure you peruse through the aisle and get one of these energy drinks, its only a buck and the can it self is a great way to people talking…I mean..c’mon, its STEVEN SEAGAL on a CAN!

2 responses to “Steven Seagal’s Lightning Bolt, the Asian Experience: Energy Drink Review

  1. Good day. I’m having trouble with your blog. I can’t see the images. Is anyone else having this problem? I have been having trouble with my notebook lately, so I’m not sure if its my computer or if its your website. Thanks!

    • Are you trying to view our blog from your work, Virginia Tech? Its possible that your IT Dept. blocks images from Flickr. We use Flickr to host all of our images.

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