Daily Archives: February 26, 2010

Wouldn’t it be great if Elite Bat Back Packs Grew on Trees?

(sigh)…one can only dream…

Coming up with a team name

If you’re starting a new team, you want to have a name that best represents you and the rest of the players. You don’t want to be too generic because if people hear you’re team name, they may associate it with another team with a similar name.

Just to give you an idea on some of the most common team names we get through Elite:
Chaos-Super common.
Havoc-There’s a few hundred of you with this name.
Dynasty-This name is used for softball, both slow and fast pitch and baseball.
Mayhem-They are like Chevy trucks, you see them every where.
Hitmen-Way too many.
Dirtbags-Just as common as the others
Infamous-Happens all the time.

Here’s a suggestion if you’re trying to come up with a team name. Use a Thesaurus. If you didn’t know, a Thesaurus is a great tool to find similar word to what you’re looking for. If we use the Thesaurus on the common names, I’m sure we can find a pretty good alternative for your team.

Chaos-Definition: utter confusion
Synonyms: anarchy, ataxia, bedlam, clutter, disarray, discord, disorder, disorganization, entropy, free-for-all, holy mess, lawlessness, misrule, mix-up, mobocracy, muddle, pandemonium, rat’s nest, snarl, topsy-turviness, tumult, turmoil, unruliness
-Now you can come up with a great team name from the synonyms. Team Anarchy, Team Utter Confusion, Team Holy Mess and etc.

Havoc-Definition: chaotic situation
Synonyms: calamity, cataclysm, catastrophe, chaos, confusion, damage, desolation, despoiling, destruction, devastation, dilapidation, disorder, disruption, loss, mayhem, plunder, rack and ruin, ravages, ruination, shambles, vandalism, waste, wreck, wreckage
-Great names to be had. Team Devastation, Team Dilapidation, and Team Plunder.

Dynasty-Definition: period during which a particular human group is in power
Synonyms: dynasty, incumbency, presidency, regime, reign, stay, tenure, term
-Team Tenure sounds legit.

Mayhem-Definition: chaos, confusion
Synonyms: anarchy, commotion, destruction, disorder, fracas, havoc, pandemonium, trouble, violence
-Team Violence, Team Destruction, Team Fracas

Hitmen-There’s actually no Thesaurus entry for this word. But a good word association would be, Mafia, Mob or Gang.

Dirtbags-Definition: creep
Synonyms: crud, degenerate, deviant, dip, dirtbag, dirtball, pervert, pig*, scum*, scumbag, scuzzbag, sleaze, sleazeball, slimebag, slimeball, slimebucket, slob, weirdo*
-Team Weirdo got my vote. Sleezeball sound like it could fly.

Infamous-Definition: shameful, bad in reputation
Synonyms: abominable, atrocious, base, caitiff, contemptible, corrupt, degenerate, despicable, detestable, disgraceful, dishonorable, disreputable, egregious, evil, flagitious, foul, hateful, heinous, ignominious, ill-famed, iniquitous, loathsome, miscreant, monstrous, nefarious, notorious, odious, offensive, opprobrious, outrageous, perverse, questionable, rotten, scandalous, scurvy, shady, shocking, sorry, unhealthy, vicious, vile, villainous, wicked
-Team Perverse, Team Rotten or Team Scandalous all sound great!

Rather than going with a very common team name, take the time to use the Thesaurus. You may find a different word for what you mean.

East Coast Elite

I got a few photos from Ronni Salcedo (TAI NC). He currently plays for the Elite Factory Team called “East Coast Elite.” As you can see they are all “elitedout.” Complete with Elite Sublimated Pants, Turfs and Fitted Hats.

Here’s an up close shot of their jersey.

2010 Elite Bat Back Packs are in! New Colors Available!!!

Yesterday we took delivery of all of the 2010 Elite Back Packs. We originally heard we were supposed to unload a 20 foot container, but the truck showed up with a 40 footer…phew. That was some hard work unloading that big thing and my back is worn out.

Once we were done, we opened up some boxes to check out the new colors. All I can say is SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK!


Charcoal. This seems to be the hottest color of the season.

Orange, or for our Spanish speaking customers, “Naranja” Eh, I know you’re impressed with my Spanish. 3 years of it in high school definitely paid off.

Light Blue. Some may say this color is “Carolina.” All I know is its pretty.

Burgundy. No, not Ron Burgundy.

But burgundy as in the color. This thing is nice! Makes me feel rich when I put on the back pack.

We also have back in stock Black, Navy and Royal. But you better hurry on the Black and Navy, we’ve already sold quite a bit of them and our inventory for those colors are flying out the door!