Tag Archives: elite hoodies

Pink Elite Hoodies, gotta love em’!

We were at Walnut Park in Raleigh, and sold Brittany Worth and Hannah Reynolds a set of Pink Elite Hoodies, they love em’!

A few really bad songs…

So this week I learned of a few songs that you should clearly avoid downloading into your iPod. We all know that music before or during a game can help you get in the zone. But the following songs are horrible, it will make your hair stand up.

Björk (prononunced BEE-York). The name kinda reminds me of York Peppermint Patties...

Yoko Ono, not sure if she’s really singing or if she’s just yelling.

I know, I know….those were pretty bad. While your ear drums are healing. Check out the Elite Hoodies, only $29.99 and perfect timing for Fall Ball.

Ok, I feel bad that I made you listen to that junk. So to make it up to you, here’s a song from one of my favorite artists who also happens to be a “dericate rittre fworer
Wing. She’s singing Mama Mia.

Elite Hoodies now available on TAISPORTS.com




Hoodies are $29.99