Daily Archives: September 10, 2010

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social blog

Did you know that you can share your favorite blog articles with the rest of the world? See that arrow and the big circle? All you have to do is click on one or all of those buttons and you’ll be sending out the link to the blog through the magical powers that we call the Internet. By the way, when you spell Internet, the I has to be capitalized. It’s a proper noun, therefore the capitalization.

If you want me to get more technical, then your wish is my command….

The words internetwork and internet is [sic] simply a contraction of the phrase interconnected network. However, when written with a capital “I”, the Internet refers to the worldwide set of interconnected networks. Hence, the Internet is an internet, but the reverse does not apply. The Internet is sometimes called the connected Internet.

Team Sagnasty of Texas



Bling Bling

This jersey was actually produced for Robert Sena of Combat Laser Vision (USSSA Conference A Team)

It would have gone great with a Pimp Cup.

A few really bad songs…

So this week I learned of a few songs that you should clearly avoid downloading into your iPod. We all know that music before or during a game can help you get in the zone. But the following songs are horrible, it will make your hair stand up.

Björk (prononunced BEE-York). The name kinda reminds me of York Peppermint Patties...

Yoko Ono, not sure if she’s really singing or if she’s just yelling.

I know, I know….those were pretty bad. While your ear drums are healing. Check out the Elite Hoodies, only $29.99 and perfect timing for Fall Ball.

Ok, I feel bad that I made you listen to that junk. So to make it up to you, here’s a song from one of my favorite artists who also happens to be a “dericate rittre fworer
Wing. She’s singing Mama Mia.