Daily Archives: June 3, 2010

I’ve insulted a towel…

The other day, Elite Towel and I were talking. He was opening up with me about how he feels that he could do more to change the world. So I said, “But you’re a towel!?!”

He responded…

“No…you are…” I replied.

so much room for activities!

After being inspired by this clip…

We decided to clean up our office a bit. We went from this…

…to this!

By the way, when you come visit Elite OC you can see our wall of fame. We’ve requested Elite El Monte to produce mini-subs for us. We don’t actually sell them this small, its more for display. To the left of Leslie is our hydration machine. While making magic for Elite, a person can build up a thirst….

Team Budlight Team Photo

You may have already seen the Budlight Jersey, but here it is on the field.