Daily Archives: June 14, 2010

If I were an animal. I’d be a Unicorn!

Not just some lame Unicorn. I’d be the coolest Elite Unicorn there is.

First off all, instead of a pointless horn on my head. I’d have a barrel of the Combat Derby Boy’s Bat. Then on my feet would be the magical Elite Turfs. For my Pièce de résistance, I would have the ability to poop out rainbow cupcakes with frosting! Finally, my long flowing mane would be crimped just like Dead or Alive so I can spin you round like a record.

Crimped hair? Yah that’s right, I’m bringing it back and I’m doing it with style.

Hello Monday!

Welcome back to the TAI Sports Blog. I hope you had an eventful weekend. Personally I was up late on Saturday and Sunday designing something new for the Elite line of products.

This new item that I would like to come out with is going to be “instrumental” in helping out your favorite team. Plus kids from all ages, 5-55 will enjoy this new Elite product.

I’d like to introduce the Elite Kazoo! After countless hours of working on the design and getting the right pitch of humming sounds to be produced, I’v finally signed off on this exciting new product. The new Kazoo can be used to cheer on players of your favorite team. Coaches can use it also use the instrument as “code” when communicating with their guys across the field.

For example, if you’re a coach, and you want your guy on first to steal second, then hum out a code on the kazoo. Don’t give away your team’s plans by yelling it out. Kazoo it!